Thursday, May 23, 2013

The last year

If I could change anything about this year it would be nothing. I met some people that i have grew to become great friends with. Ive learned how to do electrical work thanks to my lab. Ive met and had some of the greatest teachers that ive ever had. I havent got in trouble besides a detention for smoking while walking to the bus, but thats just something minor. At my home school i was suspended atleast seven times, twice in one day. Just the fact I havent been in trouble, that i have had great grades, great teachers, and met some great friends, makes me not want to change anything. Im really happy i came to diamond. If it wasnt for diamond i would be at my home school probably already suspended for the rest of the year like they did to me last year. At this point in my life, everythings going great.

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